e-RR Web Platform

Public Release of e-Roma Resource Web Platform
Search, use, share and broaden horizons

e-Roma Resource Web Platform

We are announcing the launch of our new e-RR Web platform available on http://www.eromaresource.com.
Our product should be an assistance and support for all practitioners and experts working in the wide field of Roma inclusion.

Platform was developed within e-Roma Resource project. The partner consortium created platform on basis of experiences and already existing good practices that have been undertaken by many organizations, institutions, authorities and other stakeholders.

We would like to use this opportunity to kindly invite you to share your projects and their outcomes, examples of good practices and materials, which could be helpful for other experts working in the field of Roma integration.

By the end of the project (end of year 2015) platform is still under construction and will be developed and improved also on the basis of different beneficiaries’ evaluations. If you have any comments and suggestions please let us know. Your feedback information is very valuable for us and further development of platform.