4th project Meeting in Roubaix, France

IMG_0710Between 27th and 28th of May e-RR partnership carried out 4th project meeting in Roubaix in France. Our host organisation was ADICE. Partners devoted most of the time to review of the platform which is just about to be publicly launched. Other meeting topics were oriented in planning the project activities by the end of the project.

The aim of the project and platform is also creation of networks of experts and institutions who work in the field of Roma inclusion. Most of the project activities by the end of the year will be focused on exploitation and dissemination of the platform, especially materials and existing projects. We want to encourage professionals to use the materials at theirIMG_0642 daily use and also to encourage them to their own materials, projects and examples of good practices on the platform.

Testing period after public launch of the platform will be opportunity for evaluation of the platform by different stakeholders and beneficiaries of the project.